Trust & Estate Planning

Given the mobility of high net worth private clients, there is a great need for those in the trust and estate profession to be able to identify cross-border issues and to develop and maintain a network of colleagues with whom such issues can be properly addressed.

The purpose of our Trust & Estate Planning (TEP) Practice Group is to:

  • Provide a focus for GGI members from the legal, accountancy and business advisory professions whose occupations include a significant involvement with any of the planning, creation, management of and accounting for: trusts and estates, executorship administration, and related taxes.

  • Promote discussion of aspects of tax, accounting, administration statute and case law that are of general concern to Practice Group members.

  • Advance training and learning and to promote the practical aspects of cross-border trust and estate planning and administration.


Harry Cendrowski

Cendrowski Corporate Advisors

GGI Global Chair

Prof Sergio Guerrero Rosas

Guerrero y Santana, S.C.

Global Vice Chair

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